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9 CES 2021 Tech Products That Will Enrich Our ‘New Normal’ Lives

9 CES 2021 Tech Products That Will Enrich Our ‘New Normal’ Lives

  • Joseph Walker, III

Here we are – the “New Normal.” The 21st century has changed everything about the way we work, live and play. You can’t fight it, but you can find your own comfort zone if you look for it. That’s why this year’s Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is more important than ever before. Still, it too has succumbed to the new normal. What is the world’s largest annual trade show organized by the Consumer Technology Association since in Las Vegas, NV since 1967, has moved onto a virtual stage, meaning you don’t have to physically be there but with a click of your mouse, you’ll have access to tens of thousands of companies and products.

This is both good and bad. While there is an abundance of product information, will you be able to have that experience of touching and feeling products (so to speak), or that human interaction? Well, Corey “Tallboy” Sanders, James Hicks & Eric Burks were in The Lab (a live streamed interactive show) and sifted through most of the clutter to bring you 9 of the most innovative products you didn’t know you needed.

> Domalys has created Aladin®, a smart lamp for seniors at home or in assisted living facilities. This often overlooked segment of the population deserves to take advantage of new technology and Domalys seeks to fill that void. Aladin® smart lamp helps to reduce falls, and the stress on your caregivers, and helps your residents to remain independent. It’s called Aladin® not because you get 3-wishes, but because it has 3 magic features:

* The first feature is the automatic lamp that lights up when the resident is going to the restroom during the night.

* The second feature is an automatic fall detection: if the resident falls down, different motion sensors will detect the fall and send an immediate alarm to the nurse or the caregiver on a smart device

* The third feature focuses on the data analysis of the resident. Aladin® catalogs how many times per night the resident wakes up. For instance, if the resident usually gets up once per night and suddenly the frequency increased to 5 times during the same week, the data Aladin® recorded can reveal a new pathology is developing.

The smart lamps operate through wifi and motion-sensors. Price point is $70 and is available now.


> Biwintech is a flash- and DRAM-IC based product from BIWIN Storage Technology Co., LTD. Their first performance-based memory and SSD brand, Biwintech are solid-state hard drives that uses integrated circuit assemblies to store data persistently, and Biwintech drives are designed to be faster, offer better performance and last longer with a 3-year limited warranty.

Biwintech product family includes:
• Memory Modules (UDIMM, SODIMM)
• Internal SATA SSD
• Internal M.2 PCIe NVMe SSD
• Portable SSD
• Flash-Cards  (SD Card, CFast Card, CFexpress Card)

If you are a content creator, video editor, music producer, photographer, YouTube influencer, or high-level gamer, the Biwintech memory and SSDs are sure to improve efficiency and reduce lag time. The price point ranges from $69.99 depending on your needs and available at Staples and Costco.


> A revolution in clean, healthy air using technology as old as the earth.” Clean Air Zone by Green Air Technologies took a step back to nature and falling water as a basis for air purification. Touted for using new green technology, this is air purification unit that has 2 moving part components to successfully get the job done. Part of that success is the option to connect to a water line, making it much more efficient than traditional air purifiers.

The question is what’s more important: owning a smartphone or breathing in consistently clean air? Even though the price point is $1,495, the answer is clear. Since masks are not going away, it’s important that your health stays intact and Clean Air Zone is a good start.


> Rubix cube is so 20th century but not WOWCube by CubiOs Inc. is a one-of-a-kind experience for the 21st century. It’s more than a game, it’s is an entertainment system. WOWCube is a toy for everyone so you can enjoy games of all popular genres: casual, arcades, mazes, puzzles, edutainment, skill games, and others. The benefits include a stress-relief digital toy that improves cognitive functions, motor skills, and three-dimensional thinking, keeping you sharp and helping you to relax. You can give this to your children instead of them playing on your smartphone because it’s certified by STEM as an educational toy.

When you finally let it out of your hands, it goes into the screensaver mode showing widgets or playing the role of ambient decor. It can display photos, weather, air quality, and so on. Being connected to a Smart Home, it can show the status of its components. Anyone can create WOWGames and WOWApps with the company’s SDK and open APIs, offer them in the WOWPlayStore, and make money. Price point is $249 includes shipping and also contains a $30 gift card toward apps purchases.


> We haven’t forgotten the IOS enthusiasts, which is why Fledging by Alabama startup company Fledging is on the list. The product is a hubble for the IPad, or more descriptively a hub in a case. Built for iPad Pro 2018-2020 and the brand new iPad Air. Hubble solves the iPad’s worst problems: Now you have all the connections you need built into a beautiful case that protects against bends and breaks. Go anywhere. Connect to anything. Make what you want.

The startup Fledging is a premium hardware company dedicated to producing premium electronics for everybody. Starting with Fledging Feather SSD, you can upgrade your favorite Mac’s speed and storage and not spend a month’s rent on a new Mac. Reliability, max speeds, expanded storage, a 10-minute DIY install, and a fair price. The price point starts at $100 and $110 depending upon your model and includes shipping.


> The Saturday cartoon show “The Jetson’s” had Rosie the maid. Now we have Cutii; a fully autonomous, voice-activated & controlled robot companion for seniors that will keep them connected to the outside world.  

The robot lives with the senior and comes with an array of services. Though in use at several senior facilities in the U.S. and France, it was designed for home and health care facilities. Presently, the price point is $6k U.S. dollars but there is a cost-sharing model that is priced at $75 week. There may be a way to have the fees subsidized by the insurance companies.


> GoSun is about solar power meeting essential needs. They make a wide range of portable power solutions and accessories. Although powered by the sun, the capabilities to generate electricity where and when needed is unlimited. With GoSun, you can make coffee, wash dishes, make ice, store ice cream, take a hot shower, bake and cook a full meal on a complete solar kitchen. Not only is it solar powered, but you can also run off 12 volt and AC.

There are a lot of people living and working off-the-grid. Now, it’s become affordable and possible to take advantage of some affordable devices to allow you to join the group. GoSun believes in fueling people’s independence. The complete solar kitchen price point is $2000. Available at Home Depot and through Amazon.


> If you’re security-minded, check out Trova products. They produce a wide range of next generation smart storage safe/devices for the items you want within reach but out of sight. Beauty, functionality and security were our criteria for creating TROVA. A device that seamlessly integrated into our home and lifestyle that neither resembled a “lockbox” nor anything else particularly identifiable. Discreet in sensibility, TROVA makes a statement by saying very little.

TROVA has key features that makes each TROVA uniquely secure:

Wireless Connectivity Via Bluetooth to connect independent of wifi, biometric authentication through their proprietary app that uses your phones native biometric scanning (face id, thumb or pin code), and smart notifications that are user controlled notifications,  providing you with various alerts and access to bypass mode. The price point ranges from $199.99 to $549.99 depending upon your choice.


> BenjiLock isn’t just a lock company but has always delivered the best in security using today’s technology. Their track record of proven reliability has garnered the company to offer next-gen fingerprint access, while also offering the same technology that includes key and keypad access. It’s more hybrid technology that gives the owner the security they need and want.  This year they are offering the first fingerprint access bike lock, adding to the array of other locks in their company.

On a whim, the company appeared on “Shark Tank,” and walked away with the approval and support of Kevin “Mr. Wonderful” O’Leary. That opened the door to a partnership with Hampton Products, one of the world’s largest lock companies in America. They are the only lock company to offer a TSA-approved travel lock. The price point ranges from $29.99 to $159.99 depending upon your selection.


So there you have it. The companies that offer the technology you need and want if you’re balling on a budget or just need to upgrade into the 21st century. Although this is a comprehensive look at the companies, Tallboy will be doing 1-on-1 episodes in the coming weeks, so tune back in every Wednesday to The Lab.

If you would like to review the products check out the The Lab CES 2021 Roundup show here

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